by Emily Dickinson
I'm Nobody! Who are you?
Are you – Nobody – too?
Then there's a pair of us?
Don't tell! they'd advertise – you know!
How dreary – to be – Somebody!
How public – like a Frog –
To tell one's name – the livelong June –
To an admiring Bog!
It's hard to be a number, a statistic on someone's list. It's hard to be chosen to be successful on someone's racial/demographical/socialogical list. I'd rather be myself, and hide if I have to in the shame and pride of being an individual. I just want to be cared about, and have someone that cares for me be willing to sacrifice anything for me..just to make me happy. Is that selfish? I guess it is. But it would really make me shine inside to know that there was someone out there that would miss a day of work, or a raid, or some kind of award even...for me. Even get in trouble..for me. I guess what I'm saying is I want a man that would be my champion.
Sounds really stupid to say it out loud, but I guess I'm stupidly archaic. Yes, the man that gets me will have to be my hero. You don't have to save me from a burning building or find me buried treasure, or even open a door for me or give me a bronze ring. My hero just has to BE there, and make sure I know he is there for me. Yes, show me a sacrifice, get in trouble for me, be late to work a couple times so you can make love to me. Ditch your friends so you can watch anime with me and have them angry at you once or twice. Not every week, or every year even. Just SHOW ME YOU CARE. It's not like we live in the day & age where you can bring me the head of a dragon to profess your undying love to me. So show me a writeup from your boss. Let me hear a friend rant about your dicking them over.
In the sad state of life that I live in, I still want to be treated like a princess. Does that make me a real loser or a real woman?
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