She shouted, and threw the telephone
-through- the wall
pausing, and staring a moment
what's going on...?
Death stood from her table
left a 25% tip
(it was good chocolate)
and wandered outside.
The girl stared as the woman walked out of the wall
The woman said, "Well. Hope that made the point."
The other One sat up
(she had been lying on the ground, in a little crater of unlife she had made
not to be found for several hours yet)
She stammered ""
The woman/girl who was Death smiled. (It's hard to realize her age)
"Yes. The phone. I dodged it, naturally."
The other girl blinked.
"I don't understand."
Death nodded.
"Who was the bastard this time, pray tell. Who hurt you this time?"
"What does it matter. Another day, another pain, another form of death."
Death grunted. "My sister, you have no idea what all my forms are. But you will."
The mortal blinked hard a few times.
What does it mean?
Pain is pain. Life hurts. We must endure.
Death smiled.
"Have you any idea? Do you think that all the pain you've endured, all your life is for no reason?
The universe always has a reason. It IS reason, in all shapes and forms. You are, what you are..."
Because we need you.
Death crossed the street, and took the other woman's hand, embracing her for a silent, brief moment.
"I am here. Maybe not to explain, not even to comfort, but you are my sister, in pain and in torment, we are two halves of the same coin, for all eternity."
The girl stared, "What do you mean, sister?", *she pulled away* "I do not know you, woman."
Death laughed. "I did not know it myself. Until I saw a mortal. Willing to accept her shortcomings. Taking responsbilities for her mistakes. Knows herself and her shortcomings, accepting them. Accepting resolve. And last of all, embracing the Numbness. I knew this, and knew were my kin."
The mortal shook her head and shook her head. "I wished to end it all and you were at the end of the trail. I did not choose this path. No one I know needs me. No one cares for me; wants me in this world. I have no usefulness."
Death took her hand. "I do not care what you think you know. I do not see what you see. I see a man what wants to fulfill his creativity in the only way his closed mind will accept. I see loves unrequited, only because they will not tell you what they need of you. I see a need, that has never been fulfilled, and the person blames themselves through your needs."
The girl frowned, yet took Death's hand. "You say I am your kin, and see things I cannot see and know things I cannot know. I cannot see a malicious intent in you. Yet...I am not ready to end my living, although I was ready to die."
Death tipped her hat, and puts out her hand. "I am niether friend, nor lover, nor One anyone ever trusts completely. I wear clothing from outside time, and offer advice that is out of place. But I know you, and love you. I wished to see you in a place, content and free of sorrow. I couldn't promise you of that time and place. I just wanted to see you find it. Now I know. I can take you there."
I take her hand,
and hope.
for what it's worth.
She asked why I threw the phone.
I tell her it's because
the person I love
decided he needed yet more sleep.
She stared at me for a few moments
and stared some more
She rasped
I replied.
"He requires more than his usual heroes."
"I see", she replies.
He thinks I'm not the One.
Forgive me.
Pretend heroes don't make up a hero, do they?
She asks in my mind, answering my unspokens.
Also, you're not -THE- One, but you're one of the Ones.
But does every woman need a hero?
I ask the Goddess.
She says.
Now. I say, the girl says, the unsoul that had been mortal says.
Tell me
about being a One.
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