People now and then came to the woods, if they dared, to hunt at its edges, and one enterprising lad in the midst of chasing a deer came upon the flower, but he dared not come closer. The thorns looked too harsh and loomed closer than he cared to go. Yet, word spread of the lone flower, until a young prince came to hear of it, and, as princes tend to be was enamored with the idea of a flower presuming to take root in such a place.
He traveled with his entourage to the rim of the wood, and bravely ventured forth. Then...he saw it. And before his very eyes it bloomed in the thin beam of light that it had managed to thrive on. Glorious red, orange and yellow blossomed before his eyes in a symphony of colour he had never seen before...ending in a deep blue center, as the very heart of a flame. It was as though the flower, in a desperate attempt to catch his eye had spent its very last energy in the blooming.
He unsheathed his sword, which was magical of course, blessed by a holy man; and cut his way through the thicket for all his worth. Reaching out with a gloved hand he plucked that flower, lifting it to his lips for an almost reverent kiss.
Upon heading out of the woods he enjoyed the banter of his company, the courtiers gaily discussing what they would play at that evening. They headed together down the road towards the village, only stopping when the prince nonchalantly threw the bloom on the ground. The courtier directly behind him pulled his mount up short hurriedly. "My prince?!" The prince looked over at him and shrugged. "I was raised in the royal gardens of Shad'loc, where the sun favors the petals of every flower, and the nightingale's song never ends. Do you really think I could bring my mother that thing? I's petals were bent."
"Disgusting!", they chorused, and looked at him for approval.
He laughed gaily and whipped his fine white steed faster, making the court give a merry chase.
The End
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