Tuesday, November 14, 2006

A Celtic Invocation

that was an ancient Celtic invocation I took to heart many years ago as a youth, when I was lost in the maelstrom of my parent's divorce..when things were tough and I had to be tougher. I'd always been inclined to read, as an escape sometimes, as an outlet others; Fantasy more often than not. Books had been my friends since the ripe old age of 3, when my mother allegedly stuck a giant omnibus of fairy tales in my hands to keep me from yammering away at her. (I had been quite the talker. It was a favorite saying in the family that I didn't have a first word, I had a first paragraph)

Anyway. *pulls on reins*
I read the invocation (though I didn't know that's what it was) for the first time when I was 13 in a book by Madeline L'Engle called "A Wrinkle in Time". The words were a little different, but the content the same. It gave me strength in a time of great confusion. I find these same words later during some research in my studies of ancient mythos, and wham. There is was. It is actually called "Patrick's Rune." It calls upon all the elements to preserve the invoker, and is a powerful act of magic when done with intent. What I find amusing now as an adult is that that book, at the time was forbidden to me as many fantasy books were. My mother felt strongly about "Paganism" in fantasy, and felt that reading Fantasy/Science Fiction novels would corrupt my eternal soul. Well then, I guess she was right. Here I thought I was reading a book about a girl like me, trying to find her place in the world, and THE DEVIL was in it. *grin* Sorry, couldn't say that with a straight face. For what I believe...is that whoever I was meant to be, and whoever I am now...was formed in the spirit of those books that I read. Not for the magic, but for the sacrifices of the heroes, the kindness and cruelties of the princesses, and the loyalty of true friendship. I am not saying that I succeeded in all (or even any) of my goals. In fact, I have made innumerable mistakes. And in all my life I have only had 2 true friends. One, was always there for me. One; always will be. The latter is also my lover, and my champion.

More about him another day...

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