~White Reflection~
My white reflection burns me
reminding me of innocent days and
starry nights
When I was trusting
when I had faith
Now I am blinded by the fires
of truth
Old dreams come back
to taunt me
and I am lashed by chains of hopelessness
There is no respite
only unending visions
and unfulfilled prophecies
of freedom
and love
as I go plunging through hell;
sorrow incarnate.
~Black Reflection~
I look into the mirror
and see my black reflection
looking back at me
from the corner of her eye
she laughs
all my hurt;
eternal frustration-
and revels in my suffering
For she is
both the knife
and the cut,
the blood
and the pain.
The faithful companion
who understands sorrow
and embraces her;
the shadow-filled light
in the unquiet void
of insanity.
There has never been a sunrise
that I did not begrudge the ending
of night-
the darkness beckons me
it sings to me of
freedoms untold in daylight
Where I may dare to have a self
I can aspire to be more than a shadow
in this absence of light.
Sunsets forgotten
lead me unto ecstasy
into the NightDawn.
There shall I fly,
Shrouded in white
Armored in black
into being
into seeing
all my reflections
in focus
at last.
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